

Affinity harmonic artists don’t stay inside the box, they extend beyond the limitations of preconceived constraints and leverage new technology, beliefs and mindsets that connect them and their followers to a new level of consciousness and connection.image?w=1&h=1&rev=1&ac=1&parent=1DkFUZhE4LyWHGOyVNRSOcVJ3 e 0ZobR2Xq8kPrhvPg

With conscious thought, meticulous creation and charisma our artist work passionately and to create new experience for all who are bold enough to listen. They are the cutting edge of creation and understand, respect and nurture their true potential that musical experiences can provide.

As influencers, we take pride in our work and hustle to provide quality content, experiences and leverage financial opportunities to nurture your brand and take it to the next level.

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