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We created an In depth video tutorial on how to install this library on your computer. You can watch it here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMPmhUDzbxM&t=164s
In this tutorial, we learn how to install the Affinity SK50D Kontakt Library, we learn how to install the Kontakt librarie on a Mac & PC , how to install Kontakt snapshots & How to load individual Kontakt patches and multies.
We created an In depth video tutorial on how to use all five included base modules. You can watch it here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1HravlMftM&t=2s
In this episode, we dive into the parameters of the Affinity SK50D Kontakt Plugin’s included patches, investigate the key features and explore the soundscape.
For a full list of tutorials, you can check out our SK50D Tutorial YouTube playlist here.
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Software Dependencies | Kontakt 5.6.8+ (Kontakt player not supported… yet) |
Operating Systems | Windows 7, 8, or 10 (64-bit latest Service Pack), macOS 10.12 or 10.13 (latest update) |
Hardware | Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 4 GB RAM (8 GB+ recommended) |
Disk Space | 2 GB free disk space required |
Download Size | 1.32GB Download – Zip Format |
Sample Resolution | 48k – 16 bit – 4027 samples |
By default, the directory is this: Macintosh HD/Users//Documents/Native Instruments/User Content/Kontakt
If it is not there, It is possible the folder doesn’t exist. Luckily, there is an easy workaround. A good fellow at Sample Cast supplied me with this video explaining a trick to fixing this issue. Check out the how to video below and then paste all the files included in the SK50D Snapshot folder to the new directory outlined in this video.
The “glide” function on this synth adds a subtle automatic pitch bend to the transient of sound. This control is polarized. Middle is off, down is negative and up is positive. I mirrored the original design of the original synth. The reason the toggle is on when down is to let you know its on!!!
However, you might be looking for the portamento feature (which is ironically called glide these days too) Remember the original synth was created 40 years ago but that’s what they called this effect.
I did program Portamento in the synth as well but it’s not as obvious to control, you can check out this tutorial on how to use it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivKYcHpaUn8
You might be looking for the “Portamento” feature (it is included but not as obvious to control). You can check out this tutorial on how to use it, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivKYcHpaUn8
The “glide” function is not the same as “Portamento” on this synth. The glide feature adds a subtle automatic pitch bend to the transient of sound. This control is polarized. Middle is off, down is negative and up is positive. I mirrored the original design of the original synth. Remember the original synth was created 40 years ago but that’s is what they called it.
Affinity SK50D - Tutorials