Its been a crazy first month in business! Me and my partners have never worked so hard in our lives. We just finished a brand new website built in house to connect our artists, products and support channels together and as of today, finally rolling out our first major update on the Affinity SK50D Kontakt Library. So whats new? A lot! Here are the highlights to start…
Improved CPU Performance by up to 66%
New Module! Poly Presets 16+ new sounds (true analog filtered samples)
Upper Organ Improved flexibility, new modulation page
+ Plus many playback tweaks, bug fixes & new presets and multies added!
“We even launched a Free Demo! If you don’t own it already, you can check it out here” — Free Demo Download
Improved CPU Performance
The modules are now up to 66% lighter on your CPU which means you can squeeze more voices and instances in before your computer lights on fire. I could bore you with how I did this but we have too much to cover! Moving on!
New Module! Poly Presets
If you where wondering why the “Poly Manual” Patch was named that instead of “Poly Synth” this is why!
In a nutshell, Poly Presets is a whole new module based off the three preset buttons on the original unit.
Whats so special? Well these presets go through the original VCF Envelope and so what you hear is the 100% analog filter smoothness.
Of course, I didn’t stop there. I had to go a little deeper and add a full second digital filter & amp ADSR, velocity sensitivity settings and a whole new filter design to play with. So of course you can just play the original samples as they are but ALSO get a little bit nutty in the modulation section, then when you switch the preset again you will get a mystery flavor. Awesome! Right?

Upper Organ 2.0
The upper organ module got a big update, with a whole new modulation section to push your creativity even farther. SURE these features weren’t in the original but I wanted them and that’s how it goes.
You now have an ADSR modulator to control the main 9 harmonic drawbar section and a secondary one for the perk section.
Also through in velocity sensitivity, brilliance controls and added a vibrato effect section (which sounds great for sustains)
I hope you didn’t warm up to the pan delay because that got the boot in favor of a the bass thru option like the other modules for easier multi programming and layering with the bass synth.
Bug Fixes / Changes
SO if you are curious of the rest of the fixes this is where you can see what has changed.
- Global – Improved CPU handling & Performace by up to 66%
- Global – New instrument! Poly Presets (real analog filtered samples)
- Global – Added virtual voltage controlled adsr type variance for improved playback diversity
- Global – Added more snapshot presets divercity for each instrument
- Upper Organ – Added a second option Page with the ability to adjust drawbars & percussion ADSR times
- Upper Organ – Added velocity sensitivity options for Perk and Drawboard sections
- Upper Organ – Added vibrato effect and options for Drawboard sections
- Upper Organ – Added extra individual brilliance controls for Perk and Drawboard sections on a new page
- Upper Organ – Added first page UI improvements
- Upper Organ – Added Bass Through to front page
- Solo Synth – Added Portamento Control Via ModWheel
- Solo Synth – Fixed Portamento trigger issue in multies and individual patch
- Solo Synth – Fixed LFO filter destination function
- Poly Manual – Added Extended Amp & Filter Release time
- Poly Manual – Fixed GUI Typo
- Poly Manual – Fixed Bypass Filter Function
- Bass Synth – Added x2 more samples for more dynamic and real sounding bass.
- Bass Synth – Added decay or sustain switch for different play styles.
- Bass Synth – Fixed monophonic play style to favor lower notes like the original
- Bass Synth – New keyboard colour
That’s about it! If you have any questions or want to request future features write in the comments below or check out our SK50D Support Page.